Studentmedarbeider - E-handelsvirksomhet
Ledig jobb for ungdom i området Skullerud, Rustad, Mortensrud, Bøler, Nordstrand, og Lambertseter
Vi søker studentmedarbeidere til bidra rundt driften av våre norske nettbutikker (, &
Du kommer til å jobbe fra vårt kontor i Oslo (Skullerud), fra 7-15 timer per uke, med norske og danske kolleger.
Du skal helst være flink til å formulere deg i norsk (både skriftlig og muntlig), holde avtaler og tidsfrister. Samt være strukturert i arbeidet ditt. Andre unike ferdigheter og interesser er et pluss, og vi vil gjerne også gi deg frihet til å utforske områder som interesserer deg.
Noen av oppgavene vi gjerne ser at du jobber med:
- Tekstskriving
- Markedsføringsoppgaver som Sosiale medier / SEO (søkemotoroptimalisering)
- Oversettelse (fra dansk/engelsk til norsk)
- Kundeservice (Retur og bytte)
- Diverse administrasjonsoppgaver
Vi tilbyr:
- Gode kolleger og et avslappet arbeidsmiljø på vårt kontor i Oslo
- Stort personlig ansvar
- Muligheten til å spille en viktig rolle i å skape vekst
- Mulighet for å utforske områder som interesserer deg
- Gode referanser for din fremtidige jobb
Vi håper dette kan være noe som passer deg, og vi ser fram til å høre fra deg.
Så ikke nøl med å ta kontakt med oss. Send oss din CV, samt fortell hvorfor du mener du er en god match for oss. Skriv en e-post med emne: Jobbsøknad - og send den til:
E-Commerce business looking for student employees
Norwegian student employee
Reverie is a e-commerce business looking for a Norwegian student employee to help out with the Norwegian part of our e-commerce business.
You will be working from our office in Oslo, approximately 7-20 hours per week, with Norwegian and Danish colleagues.
Some of the tasks you will be working with:
- Copywriting
- Marketing tasks (Social media / SEO / Google Ads)
- Translation tasks
- Customer service
- Miscellaneous administration tasks
You must be good at articulating yourself in Norwegian grammatically correct written and verbally, keep appointments and deadlines and be structured in your work. Other unique skills is a plus, and you can contribute to form your responsibilities.
We are offering:
- Good colleagues and a relaxed working environment in our office in Oslo
- Great personal responsibility
- The opportunity to play an important role in creating growth
- Good references for your future job
If this has any interest to you, do not hesitate to get in contact with us. Please send your CV and why you would be the best match for this position at your earliest convenience with the email subject: Job Application Norwegian to
Swedish Student employee
We're looking for a Swedish student employee to help out with the Swedish part of our e-commerce business.
You will be working from our office in Oslo, approximately 15-20 hours per week, with Norwegian and Danish colleagues.
Some of the tasks you will be working with:
- Copywriting
- Marketing tasks (Social media / SEO / Google Ads)
- Translation tasks
- Customer service
- Miscellaneous administration tasks
You must be good at articulating yourself in Swedish grammatically correct written and verbally, keep appointments and deadlines and be structured in your work. Other unique skills is a plus, and you can contribute to form your responsibilities.
We are offering:
- Good colleagues and a relaxed working environment in our office in Oslo
- Great personal responsibility
- The opportunity to play an important role in creating growth
- Good references for your future job
If this has any interest to you, do not hesitate to get in contact with us. Please send your CV and why you would be the best match for this position at your earliest convenience with the email subject: Job Application Swedish to
Reverie Norge
Olaf Helsets Vei 5
0694 Oslo